Monday, May 28, 2012

How to Stop Smoking for Life!!!

 How to Stop Smoking for Life

Are you constantly asking yourself how to stop smoking?  Fighting the addiction of smoking a cigarette and mustering the courage to break away from nicotine dependence is tough!  Almost certainly, there is more than simply a strong mental habit formed…There is also a chemical nicotine addiction that makes it almost impossible to stop smoking without strength of self.
The burning question of how to stop smoking in the face of terrible withdrawals plagues smokers.  There is hardly anything worse than the trembling caused by trying to stop smoking and the cold sweats that take place as your body detoxifies from nicotine.  The uneasiness is enough to make you want a cigarette to calm your nerves and stress level which is highly elevated.
How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Tip # 1: Keep Your Hands Occupied in Idle Time
This is an important step when you stop smoking, and it's important to be mindful of the activities with which you choose to keep busy.  Remember that highly stressful situations are triggers for smoking, so make sure you are doing something simple with your hands like playing with a stress ball or something along those lines.
If you are occupying your time by talking on the phone practice holding it in the hand with which you no longer smoke.  Switching up the function of your hands is a sly trick to play on your mind to trigger another association besides the urge to smoke.
How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Tip #2:  Keep Your Mouth Contained
This is one of the trickiest tips when you stop smoking cigarettes because there is a huge potential for weight gain.  Crunchy foods are great, but foods high in saturated fats and Trans fats are not.  If you are a vegetable eater, carrot sticks or celery sticks will do you just fine.  They are a healthy snack that will satisfy your need to crunch or bite.  If you want the crunch and aren't big on raw veggies, nuts are an excellent alternative in which healthy essential oils are present that will actually help you stop smoking.
If you decide to rely on gum or candy, be mindful that gum loaded with sugar is the equivalent to chewing on cavities.  Sugar free gum or – better yet – nicotine gum may be a wiser choice
How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Tip # 3: Break at Work With a Brisk Walk
Break time for smokers has always been smoke time.  In order to stop smoking successfully, you need to create another habit like brisk walking that's refreshing.  You can maximize the benefit of your walk by taking long, controlled breaths.  The delivery of oxygen to your brain and lungs will revitalize you and provide a soothing calm to your nerves.  If you don't like to be alone, try finding a non-smoker among your colleagues to walk with you for support.
How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Tip # 4 – Affirm You Are a Non-Smoke
As cheesy as the concept of affirmations sound, it is a highly effective tool in allowing your brain to think as a non-smoker when you stop smoking cigarettes.  Even though the urge to smoke will arise often and your initial thought will be to say, "I want a cigarette," try replacing it with, "I am a non-smoker and this craving will pass."
How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes Tip # 5: Curb Your Physical Craving
If you have tried time and time again to stop smoking cold turkey and wound up picking cigarettes back up in a few days, there is a scientific reason why:  Your body NEEDS nicotine.  Because smoking is a two-fold addiction, you need to combat each symptom of nicotine addiction one step at a time.  In order to calm your initial cravings, you need a smoke deter product that is capable of minimizing your physical cravings so you can work on beating the habit
If you want to break free from the chains of nicotine addiction, there is help available.  You can learn how to stop smoking cigarettes and finally live smoke free!

Stop Smoking and Exercise | Why Physical Fitness and Exercise Help You Stop

Stop Smoking and Exercise | Why Physical Fitness and Exercise Help You Stop
Smoking for Good!

Stop smoking! Exercise can help you stop smoking and make it easier to stay
quit for life after you've finally stopped smoking. There are many reasons why
exercise and physical fitness can help you not only quit smoking, but stop smoking for

Cardiovascular Health

Smoking aside, cardiovascular exercise is immensely beneficial to the human
body, blood flow, heart disease prevention, positive mood, sense of well-being,
etc. When you stop smoking and you commit to an exercise schedule as one of your
quit smoking tools, you will help your body recover from nicotine dependence
more quickly; and your cravings will not only be less severe, they will also be
experienced less frequently.

There are numerous ways to engage in cardiovascular exercising and some of
them include: Aerobics, biking, calisthenics (blurpees, jumping jacks, etc.),
dancing, jogging, karate, kickboxing, running, swimming, and more. You don't
necessarily have to join a gym in order to get cardiovascular exercise; there
are channels on dish
that have interactive programs like aerobics, dancing, and yoga or you could
just put together an up-beat music collection on your iPod or CD player and
simply dance your own creative way.

Important Information: Heart disease is responsible for
claiming over 200,000 lives of men and women everywhere. Women – especially –
are at a high risk, as heart disease is the single most deadly threat to
females, though few may realize the eminent danger they face. Whether or not you
smoke, it's important to gather the facts on heart disease and its symptoms and
see to it that you remain in a low risk category by not smoking.

Brain Function

Your brain naturally produces neurologically transmitted chemicals (dopamine,
endorphins, etc.) that send messages to the sensory department of your brain.
Tobacco dependence is caused by the very addictive drug of nicotine and its
ability to spawn the production of these chemicals. The more your cigarettes
take over the manufacturing of these mood controlling aspects of your body, your
brain stops functioning properly and ceases to 'recycle' neuro-transmitted

In the early stages of withdrawal from nicotine, your brain is learning to
cope without cigarettes. When you exercise at this very important crossroad of
your stop smoking journey, you are forcing your body to naturally produce
endorphins and other chemicals that may have not have otherwise been
manufactured that early (comfortably, anyway).


When you stop smoking your body begins to 'dump' nicotine primarily through
urine and sweat. Exercising to quit smoking is strongly suggested because it
causes you to sweat profusely, thus cleansing your body of nicotine more

Improved Lung Capacity

Any time you exercise you are forced to breathe deeper to keep oxygen flowing
through your body. This is excellent training for your lungs! Although it takes
years to reverse the significant damage smoking has caused your lungs, treating
them right when you first stop smoking will help you recover more quickly.

Daily Control Over Idle Time

Down time is a dangerous adversary when you stop smoking. By incorporating an
exercise routine to which you are committed you will leave less room in your
schedule to be tempted to smoke a cigarette because you have nothing to do.

Long-Term Rewards

If you stay committed to your stop smoking exercise plan your appearance,
lungs, mood, and overall health will be much better. It's easier to prevent a
nicotine relapse if you are constantly reaping the rewards of not smoking.

If you are not accustomed to exercising, start small. You don't want to
over-exert yourself too early for a couple of reasons. The first reason to start
exercising minimally and gradually increase is to prevent soreness or stiffness
the following day. You can also prevent consequential muscle aches by stretching
properly before and after your exercise routine.

Another reason why you may not want to rush in with a 'no pain, no gain'
mentality is because you want exercising to be an enjoyable experience. If you
max out on your initial efforts, your brain will equate exercising with pain and
that equation may prevent you from developing and committing to a routine.

You can stop smoking! Exercising should be combined with a support system and
a stop smoking for
.to help the fight to stop
smoking for good be more easily won.